GSEB 12th Result 2020 and GSEB HSC Result 2020 for Science stream and General (Arts & Commerce) Stream. GSEB 12th HSC Science, Commerce and Arts 2020 Result release date. The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (Called GSEB) 12th HSC Results will be declared in the month of May. As well as GSEB HSC 12th Science 2020 Result will be declared in the second week of May Month. and GSEB HSC 12th Commerce & Arts Result will be declared on the Fourth week of May Month. Usually, Commerce & Arts results will be announced in the Last Week of May Month.
The Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (Known as GSEB) will release the class 12th HSC result on its official website- or A link to check GSEB 12th Result 2020 will be available on our site when it is officially released. Students check their result on the official site ( by using their seat number.
GSEB HSC Result 2020 Date
GSEB release Science stream or Arts & Commerce (General) stream result separately. Last year, the Gujarat board released the Science stream result released on May 09. As well as General stream result was declared on May 25. By Remembering the previous year’s Results announced dates, we expect that the board will follow an equivalent schedule this year too. GSEB 12th HSC Science, Commerce and Arts 2020 Result release date. Now, to understand the important dates regarding the 12th result for the present academic term, check out the table below.
Stream | Dates | |
GSEB HSC Examination | For Science Stream For General Stream | 05-12 March 2020 05-21 March 2020 |
Result Declaration | For Science Stream For General Stream | In the first week of May 2020 In the last week of May 2020 |
Gujarat board usually announces the HSC result in the month of May. But the Gujarat board not confirmed the date and time for the declaration of result. The scholars can get an estimate idea of HSC result release date and time from the given previous 3 years stats.
Year | Stream | Date |
2017 | Science Stream General Stream | 10 May 30 May |
2018 | Science Stream General Stream | 10 May 31 May |
2019 | Science Stream General Stream | 09 May 25 May |
2020 | Science Stream General Stream | In the first week of May 2020 In the last week of May 2020 |
Check GSEB HSC 2020 Result
There are three methods to check GSEB HSC Result of Science, Commerce and Arts Stream.
Gujarat Board HSC Result by Seat No
- Open Gujarat board official website:
- On the homepage, you can see the text field to enter seat no.
- Now, Enter Your seat number in the specified field.
- Then, click on the Go button (submit button)
- Now, Gujarat board 12th HSC Science or general stream (on which you study) result will open on your phone and desktop screen.
- Now, you can take a screenshot.

GSEB HSC Result 2020 Name Wise
Students check their results on the Gujarat board official website by entering their seat no. but what about them who lost their hall ticket? How that students check their GSEB HSC 2020 result? such students check their HSC results on third party sites. like, or
- You need to visit these sites and click on the provided link on their site.
- After this, a new window appears.
- Now, you can check your result with your name.

Note: The Last year 2019, the name wise result was only available for the General (Arts and Commerce) stream only. Name wise result was not released for the Science stream.
GSEB HSC 2020 Result via SMS
This is the alternate method to see Gujarat 12th result on phone and desktop. This method is beneficial when the official website of the Gujarat Board becomes unresponsive. Due to heavy traffic on GSEB official website, the site becomes unresponsive. Here are the straightforward steps to see the GSEB HSC result 2020 using the SMS facility.
- Open an SMS application on your phone.
- Type the following message: GJ12S [Seat_Number]
- Replace Seat_Number with your Seat Number.
- Now, send this SMS to 58888111 No.
- After that, GSEB 12th Result 2020 will be sent an SMS on your phone number.

The original result will be provided in your school/campus.
What does GSEB HSC Result 2020 contain?
On the result, students can see some information. Here is a list of information available on the result.
- Gujarat Board Name
- Stream (Science, Commerce, Arts)
- Month & Year of the Exam (HSC 2020)
- Seat Number
- Centre Number
- School Index Number
- Candidate’s Name (Name of the Student)
- S.I.D. No.
- Subject Code
- Subject List
- Total Marks
- Marks Obtained in Theory Exam
- Marks Obtained in Practical Exam
- Total Obtained Marks
- Over All Grade
- Percentile Rank
- Status of Result: Pass or Fail

GSEB STD 12 Passing Criteria
To get a pass in the Gujarat Board HSC exam 2020 Students need to score a minimum of 33% marks in each subject.
Grading System of GSEB HSC Result
Gujarat board defined the grade for your overall performance. you can check the Gujarat board grading system here.
Marks Range | Grade | Grade Point |
91-100 | A1 | 10.0 |
81-90 | A2 | 9.0 |
71-80 | B1 | 8.0 |
61-70 | B2 | 7.0 |
51-60 | C1 | 6.0 |
41-50 | C2 | 5.0 |
33-40 | D | 4.0 |
21-32 | E1 | – |
20 and below | E2 | – |

Apply for Rechecking of GSEB 12th Result 2020
- After the result, some students may think that they’ll have more marks than the marks mentioned on Gujarat 12th result.
- Sometimes some students are failed in 1 – 2 subjects, but such students may think that they’ll get pass or at least get passing marks in the result.
- Such students will have the choice to apply for the rechecking of the GSEB 12th result 2020.
- The applications for rechecking is accepted in online mode for Science and general (Commerce & Arts) streams.
- The last date to submit an application for the science stream will be the fourth week of May Month.
- The last date to submit an application for the General stream will be the first week of June 2020.
- The Fee for rechecking of Gujarat board 12th Paper is Rs. 100 per subject. the fee is to be paid through credit/debit card, net banking or demand draft.
GSEB 12th Result 2020 after Rechecking
- The results of GSEB 12th after Rechecking will be announced within the third week of June 2020.
- Students will be ready to download a pdf file of the GSEB HSC June 2020 rechecking result. The file will contain a student’s roll number and name alongside the change in marks.
- Last year, the rechecked Gujarat 12th result was announced in June 2019.
Also, See: GSEB 12th Science Blueprint 2020
GSEB Supplementary Exams
- Gujarat board provides the facility of supplementary exams to offer students a second chance to clear class 12 exams.
- Students who have failed in one or two subjects can apply for supplementary exams.
- They will need to submit a form and pay the requisite fee to take a seat for compartment exams.
- GSEB 12th time table 2020 for supplementary exams is released in online mode.
- GSEB Class 12 supplementary exams will be held within the second week of July 2020. Last year it had been held from July 11 to 14.
GSEB Supplementary Exam (Re-exam) Result Release Date
- Gujarat Board 12th HSC Re-Exam (Supplementary Exam) result will be released within the last week of July 2020 as last year it had been released on July 29 for Science stream students.
- Students can check the Gujarat board 12th result 2020 for compartment exams using a similar method of the main result.
Last Few year’s GSEB 12th result Statistics
Year | Total number of students appeared | Overall Pass % | Girls’ Pass % | Boys’ Pass % |
2014 | 3,54,354 | 68.6 | 67 | 64 |
2015 | 4,65,359 | 70 | 70 | 69 |
2016 | 4,66,778 | 74 | 77 | 69 |
2017 | 6,47,021 | 71 | 72 | 68 |
2018 | 4,59,806 | 55.55 | – | – |
2019 | 3,55,562 | 71 | 71 | 74.9 |

What after GSEB 12th Result 2020?
- Here I m sharing a PDF with you.
- This PDF helps you to choose a career after 12th Science, Commerce and Arts.
- Click Here
Faqs Related to Gujarat Board 12th HSC Result 2020
When does the declaration of the 12th science GSEB result 2020?
The 12th Science result will be declared in May month.
What is the GSEB 12th HSC Science, Commerce and Arts Result release date?
GSEB 12th HSC Science, Commerce and Arts Result release date is May 2020.
When will be GSEB HSC Result 2020 declared?
The 12th Science result will be declared in May month.
What is the minimum passing marks required to clear the class 12th exams?
The students need to score a minimum of 33 marks to clear the exam.
What if I failed the 12th HSC exam?
If you are failed in your exam in the first attempt, the Board provides a facility of supplementary exams to offer students a second chance to clear the class 12 exam.
When will the results of the 12th 2nd attempt be released for the GSEB?
The 12th 2nd attempt (Supplementary Exam) result will be announced in the last week of July month.
What if I fail in GSEB 12th supplementary exam?
If you are failed in the supplementary exam, you will need to attend the annual exam.
Checkout: Official Site